The range is accepting new members.
Gift Certificates Available
Give the gift of range access for a year without a recurring dues payment. Use coupon code GIFT40.
Membership Drive is underway!
Is your range moving? Join now to secure a place here.
Use coupon code 40OFF to make our affordable rates even cheaper for a while.
Joining is easy and is done
right here on this web site's Join Here page. That is followed up with a phone call with one of our Range Officers who will give you a Range Safety Orientation over the phone.
Trial Membership
Effective Feb 1, 2024, Trial Membership is no longer offered at the FOP Range. To use the range, you must be a member or the guest of a member. See our Membership page.
The F.O.P. Range is located in Pleasant Grove, Alabama.
The Range facility has seven outdoor ranges, each with a covered shooter's area up-range to permit year-round use in all weather.
It is located about 15 minutes west from the I-59/65 interchange, making it a short drive from anywhere in the Birmingham area.
We have hundreds of steel plates set up for you to ding on. (currently 386...)
Our Handgun Steel Plate Range is huge with twenty big shooting stations and 162 targets at 10, 15 and 25 yards.
Our Rimfire Steel Plate Range has 216 steel plates designed for use with 22 Rimfire ammo.
No other range does this for its members.
Just more reasons to become a member of the best place to shoot.
Gift Certificates for Memberships
Since all memberships here are set up as auto recurring dues payments, we needed a way for someone to get a membership to give as a gift without the recurring deal.
Use coupon code GIFT40 on any of our annual membership plans.
GIFT40 will collect the application fee (normally $50 but with the 40% off its $30) and sets up the first year's dues collection that happens as part of a batch that is run on the first day of the following month.
See the price list below to check out the discounted rates.
Membership Drive...
The range is accepting new members. New members mean we can keep rates low and the bills paid.
Use discount code "40OFF" to knock 40% off the first year's dues and app fee. See the Membership Info page to learn about the 12 different membership plans we offer.
All memberships are purchased HERE.
So what does 40% off look like?
$100 Limited Annual Tier 1 is $60
$200 Limited Annual Tier 2 is $120
$11 Limited Monthly Tier 1 is $6.60
$18 Limited Monthly Tier 2 is $10.80
$150 Single Annual Tier 1 is $90
$250 Single Annual Tier 2 is $150
$15 Single Monthly Tier 1is $9
$22 Single Monthly Tier 2 is $13.20
$200 Full Annual Tier 1 is $120
$300 Full Annual Tier 2 is $180
$20 Full Monthly Tier 1 is $12
$25 Full Monthly Tier 2 is $15
$50 Initiation fee is $30
Once you join, give the range a call to set up your range safety orientation.
It is a phone call with a senior range officer where he will take about 20 minutes to go over the do's and don'ts and answers all your questions about range use.
The outline for the orientation is posted on this web page. Couldn’t hurt to review it when you get a chance.
All members you see around you have had this orientation. This makes it a safer place for you, your friends, and family to enjoy your firearms.
Membership rates will remain unchanged for 2024, largely in part due to the growth of our membership base.
We have AMMO!
The range keeps plenty of ammo on hand in most of the common calibers and sells it for about what it costs us at wholesale.
We do not derive income from ammo sales; membership dues and use fees do.
Having inexpensive ammo available is a service for our members.
Happy Birthday to us!!
28 years ago (January 1, 1996), I created the FOP Range Inc and opened the facility to civilians to use. What started out as a fun hobby in the 80's as a competitive shooter snowballed into what is the coolest place to shoot in the area. No other range has the amenities we have put together and maintain for our member's use.
We are serious about safety.
Every member of the facility gets a range safety orientation before getting access to the ranges. A Range Officer takes a few minutes to explain the range safety rules, how to use the range, what not to do here, what will get your day ended early. It makes this range a safe place for you to enjoy your firearms and for range staff to work. Here are the First Trip to the Range, Range Safety Rules and Range Safety Orientation info pages. The do's and don'ts are broken down and briefly explained.
Church Security Team Training Range Use
Our training range is available for use by Church Security Teams needing a place to train. See the Church Security Group and Corporate Membership page for more info.
Ever heard of the Chicken Challenge???
Think you are a good shot? Prove it! The Chicken Challenge is a shooting challenge members can take on at any time using the steel ranges. See the Chicken Challenge page here for info on how to play the game... Check details out here... Chicken Challenge page.
Got a new gun?
Then you are going to need a good place to try it out, see how it shoots, and make sure it works. Recreationally shooting the guns you have is a ton of fun. Never just load it up and trust that its going to work right. Verify reliability before relying on it for protection. Make sure it will run with the ammo you want to use. Get intimately familiar with it. This is where we come in.... We have the place for you to do that.
Annual membership is inexpensive and there are a dozen different plans to choose from with monthly payment options.
Shop and Compare...
I did a study of every place you could go shoot within a reasonable drive from Birmingham, compiled all the info about each with location, prices, policies, etc. and posted it all to one web page, here... Places to shoot near me.
Due your due diligence and research what is available in the area. Take look at what it costs to join but also look to see if you can join as most are not taking new members.
Things to consider when shopping for a range... -
Look at the amenities. What do they provide or offer? Some places don't even have target stands for your use.
Is the range staffed with someone there to help or ensure safety rules are followed by all so you will have a safer time while there?
Do they have a guest policy that allows you to bring guests or restricts how many or how often you can bring others?
How about running water and a place to wash up before driving home?
Do they shut down unexpectedly for gas well maintenance or duck season?
Do they require range work days and fine you if you fail to participate?
Do they require you to serve as a range officer, responsible for safety of others around you (exposing you to vicarious liability should there be an injury on your watch)?
Is there a membership committee to decide if you are worthy to be a member?
Do they require mandatory participation in competition events?
Is there a probationary period?
Do they have unique features such as a dedicated handgun steel plate range or a dedicated 22 rimfire steel plate range away from the loud guns suitable to take kids to? (We've got over 380 plates ready for your fun here.)
Are all the shooting positions covered so you can shoot in all weather?
Is it accessible so you don't need a 4WD to get to it?
How do they treat their customers and members? Look at their Google, Facebook and Yelp reviews.
All this matters in selecting a place to support with your membership dollars. Take a good look around at your options, then come see us. You won't be disappointed. Hit the JOIN HERE button below to make it happen​
Opening Hours:​
MONDAY - SATURDAY: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
91 1st Street
Pleasant Grove AL 35127
We are a short drive from anywhere in the Birmingham area. It takes less than 15 minutes from the 59/65 interchange to make it here.
For directions on how to get here, click here...
About Us
The FOP Range Inc is staffed 100% of the time we are open by staff that are happy to help you with anything you need while here.
The range has an FFL and can help you with any online gun purchase or shipping and receiving of a firearm. Our FFL service fee is only $20 each for range members and $50 each for non range members. We can also help you sell your guns with our consignment gun sales program. No meeting anyone in a parking lot to sell your gun. All gun sales have the background check done on the buyer.
Our Online Gun Store is a great place to shop for and order your next new gun. There are no transfer fees for the guns you get from the range's online gun store.
Training is available by appointment at very competitive prices. Call for more info.
The training range is available for free to any Law Enforcement agency needing a place to train or qualify its officers. Civilian range use makes this possible.
Our goal here is to provide you with a safe, well maintained place to enjoy your firearms with your friends and family.

AKA Shrek

Range Staff
Jon Grigsby - Range Master
Lee Knobloch - General Manager
(Iron Monkey) -
David Torbert - Senior Range Officer
(Mountain Man) -
Alex Matthews - Range Officer
Social Media...
Take a look at out Facebook page for range updates, specials, and events.
Look for videos others have made at the range and posted for all to see on YouTube.