FOP Range Training Range
The training range is a large multi purpose range, suitable for shooting handguns, rifles and shotguns.
It is 30 yards wide by 50 yards deep.
We keep about a dozen corrugated plastic target stands on this range for groups to use.
If a group needs more, up to 15 can easily fit on this range.
We also have a pile of barricades, barrels and IPSC target stands here for the group's use.
A concrete benchrest table is also provided for sighting in rifles at 50 yards.
This part of the range is available for private security, church security groups and law enforcement training and qualification use.
Law Enforcement agencies without their own place qualify and train their officers may book time here for that purpose at no cost. Nada. Zip. Zero.
Civilian membership and use fees cover the costs of providing this to area agencies.
Private Security agencies and Church Security groups pay a nominal per head fee or obtain a Corporate membership for their organization.
Its use is on a first come basis.
It is also available for groups wanting a larger range to shoot together as a social media gathering, birthday party, Bachelor party, bachelorette party, or corporate team building or competition event.
Call the range at 205-744-2600 with questions.
See the Church Security Group and Corporate range use page for info about each.

Classroom with media ready.

Classroom seats 24.

Training range has a pellet grill for cooking up some lunch when using the range.

Classroom with media ready.